Ship worldwide, accept plastic cards, PayPal and more. Free delivery. We plant a tree for each purchase.

Our story so far.


About us

At TimberWoods we are passionate about all things wood, leather and nature.

Our goal – to deliver the best quality products straight from the craftsman to your door at unbeatable prices.

Our mission – To plant a tree for every product that we sell on our website. All our wood is sourced from sustainably-managed forests with controlled felling in the Balkan regions of Europe where we have already began “Project Timberwoods” and we are looking to expand our quest for planting trees to the UK. Currently in talks with local councils to help us reach out to communities, schools and fellow nature lovers in every region so that everyone can get involved in making the world a better place by planting a tree.

Who we are

Three life-long friends who spent their childhood surrounded by forests, lakes, wildlife and the
mythical power they hold within. Unfortunately for us we had to grow up which meant that we could no longer be so carefree but on the bride side it meant that we could become more caring and careful. We realised how fragile nature can be especially under the pressures of our ever expanding population and decided to do everything in our power to ensure that future generations can also fall under the spell and beauty of our planet Earth.

Wood – whether it is at home or at work you can always bring a piece of nature with you. Knowing that piece of wood was sourced the right way is a completely different matter entirely. This is why we wanted to start a business that would allow fellow tree-lovers to enjoy products knowing that the wood is sustainably sourced through controlled felling in the Balkan regions of Europe. So far so good? Not for us. We still felt like we were taking from nature and giving nothing in return so we decided to start planting trees. This then slowly turned into an obsession which is how “Project TimberWoods” was born. More coming soon…

Contact Us

Telephone: 703.172.3412

Suite 102, 4a Shenley Road, Borehamwood, WD6 1DL
Monday to Friday: 10am to 7pm

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